As Told To Veronica Wells-Puoane
Oct 23, 20214 min read
My Therapist Taught Me: Make Peace With Uncertainty
Caron has consistently been in therapy for over 20 years. She talks lessons learned, advocating for yourself and the courage to do the work.

As Told To Veronica R. Wells-Puoane
May 2, 202011 min read
"Them Today, Me Tomorrow" Why Diamond D. Used Her Platform To Expose Chris Stylezz
When host Chris Stylezz was first associated with sexual assault, Diamond D. decided to collect the stories. She unearthed a decade of alleg

Veronica R. Wells
Dec 2, 20175 min read
Anita Hill & Our Aunties: How Black Women Help & Hinder The Fight Against Sexual Assault
The nationwide conversation about sexual harassment has made me examine the ways Black women have served as pioneers and obstructions to pro